Please swipe your Card or Band for security and attendance records on each visit to the Centre before proceeding to your activity.

Please view our Opening Times to see when the swimming pool and other facilities are available.


Roof Repairs

From Monday 5th July, The King’s School Recreation Centre will be having roof repairs for approximately 8 weeks (weather dependent).

As displayed in the image below, the car park area at the front of the building will be used for the site compound. There will be lit pathways for members to access the building. 

All “Dry Side” users must continue to exit the Centre via the squash court fire exit, and return to the Car Park from the side of the building (disabled users & massage clients may exit through the main front doors). All Swimmers will continue to exit through the main front doors.

There will be designated disabled parking available next to the site compound.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this period.

Blue: Scaffolding
Gold: Members Access
Red: Site Compound
Yellow: Designated Disabled Spaces