Please swipe your Card or Band for security and attendance records on each visit to the Centre before proceeding to your activity.

Please view our Opening Times to see when the swimming pool and other facilities are available.


November’s Members Email

We would like to take this opportunity to update you with our latest Members Email.

Our Centre Membership and Activity prices have remained the same for the past 2 years and following an annual review, we now find ourselves needing to implement a price increase for 2022. I would like to assure you we have done everything possible to keep this to a minimum. Please click the link to our 2022 Membership and Activity prices.

If you would like to take advantage of our current membership rate for the next year, we are offering you the opportunity to pay for a year’s membership and cancel your existing monthly direct debit. (Membership fees must be paid in full by 31st December 2021 to benefit from the current rate).

Please remember to pre-book for your activity before arriving at the Centre. If you do not have a booking, please report to Reception.

We welcome Kirsty, Ellen and Nathan to the team.